We have tested Irdroid v3.0 WiFi with Amote ( Amote ) , Lirc client for Android ( Lirc-client ) . Both apps provide the same functionalities, custom button layouts, custom IR macros definition, loading remotes from the Lirc server, button repeat, slide through remote screens, image icons, naming of custom buttons etc. Below are some screenshots from our tests.
The tests were carried out using Samsung Galaxy SII + running Android 4.1.2
- Lirc-client Screenshot
- Amote Pro
- Lirc-client Screenshot
App test results:
[table class=”table-condensed”]
App,Custom Layout,Macros,slide,auto repeat, widget, settings, Paid
Lirc client,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No, Yes,No
The two apps tested has similar functionalities, options and settings. The Amote app has two versions paid one and a free version which is the same as the paid version ,there are however ads. The amote app provides very clear and simple user interface, the icons are in white color on black background which reduces the battery usage significantly. Amote also have a widget with custom configurable buttons.
The Lirc-client is a free ads free application, it also provide a clean user interface , custom configurable IR macros, button layouts, it does not have a widget, but it has more shiny colorful buttons .
Its up to you to select which app will fit your needs, our personal choise is Amote Pro.