The Irdroid USB Infrared Transceiver is compatible with Mac OS X and it is working without installing any drivers on the host system. The above is possible due to the fact that the Irdroid USB IR Transceiver enumerates as a serial ACM device. The drivers for these types of devices are built in all Mac OS X versions. When you plug the USB IR Transceiver in a free USB port on your Mac , the device shows up as /dev/cu.usbmodem00000001 .
To use it on your Mac, you will also need the LIRC application software( Linux Infrared Remote control) for Mac OS X , available for Download from our github repository (see the links at the end of this article) . The LIRC software will allow you to use the Transmit and Receive feature of the Irdroid USB IR Transceiver. By using the software you can use your Mac to control almost any appliance that accept Infrared Commands, you can also record / scan existing remote control by using the infrared receive feature built in the Irdroid USB IR Transceiver.