Irdroid v3 (wifi)
Irdroid wifi a.k.a. Irdroid version 3 is a state of the art universal remote control, that turns your Android device into a fully functional infrared remote control for your IR equipment. The third version of Irdroid consist of a small Linux device with Ethernet port a wifi interface and a USB interface. It has router functionality so that you can connect via Ethernet and get a wifi 802.11n & Infrared functionality thanks to the Irdroid USB transceiver dongle, which connects to the Irdroid wifi device.
The Irdroid wifi device has the latest version of LIRC, running and listening for remote clients @ 8765. The device has its own 1800 mAH battery which keeps the device running for up to 4 hours. This functionality combines the mobility of Irdroid v1.0 and the comfort of using wifi to control your infrared enabled devices.
- Universal IR remote control for Android
- Extended remote control range (10+ meters )
- Compatibility with many LIRC clients for Android & windows/Linux
- Wide operating angle (no need to point the device to the TV )
- KISS design (Keep it simple)
- Home automation via IR controllable devices.
- Wifi 802.11n 150mbps Router
- 1800maH power bank
- Open source software & *hardware
Irdroid wifi device features:
- LIRC 0.9+
- LIRC conf files downloadable via simple web interface
- Wifi 802.11n router
- Open source software
- Slim & slick design
Irdroid USB IR dongle device features:
- USB infrared transceiver
- Compatibility with USB IRTOY drivers
- Extended remote control range
- Plug and Play (Uses USB ACM serial drivers)
- Receive & transmit functionalities
- 940nm wavelength @ 38khz
- 3 powerful IR led to increase the TX range
- Small PCB design & a slick transparent enclosure
How it works?
The Irdroid wifi, together with the Irdroid USB IR dongle would allow you to have a wifi to IR remote control functionality for you Android device. The Irdroid USB IR Dongle has to be connected to the Irdroid wifi USB port. The Irdroid wifi device can be switched on and it will automatically recognize the Irdroid USB IR Dongle, load the drivers for it and you will be able to connect to Irdroid Wi-Fi’s SSID “Irdroid”.
The Irdroid wifi can function as a router together with its IR functionality, the only thing that has to be done is to connect an Ethernet cable to Irdroid Wifi (by default it obtains IP addresses via DHCP) then you have a fully functional wireless internet router with an infrared functionality. You just need to connect to an SSID “Irdroid”. There are just two things in addition that you need to do – to select and configure an LIRC client and download it via Google Play, and to select your LIRC conf files for your target devices.
LIRC clients for Android
Normally the above lirc clients would require you to setup a lirc server to connect to. For Irdroid wifi the settings are:
Server name: Irdroid
Server IP:
Server Port: 8765
Amote Lirc client
Amote Lirc client
Amote Lirc client
Amote Lirc client
Amote Lirc client
Amote Lirc client
The Lirc conf files are available for download via a simple web user interface which will allow you to add a remote via a single click from the list of supported remotes in the database.The remote downloader interface is web based and very simple for use. For downloading lirc conf files the Irdroid wifi has to be connected via an Ethernet cable to the Internet. The Irdroid wifi module software / operating system is open source. It is based on openwrt with lirc preinstalled in the firmware and usb acm driver that support Irdroid USB IR dongle. All the Irdroid’s wifi software will be available for download from the Irdroid’s website download section. The Irdroid USB IR dongle is based on DP USB IR TOY with modifications to extend the Infrared remote control range and to fit into a slick USB Dongle enclosure.
We have designed the Irdroid USB IR dongle with 3 powerful infrared LEDs in order to increase the infrared transmit power and to widen the transmit angle, so that you don’t need to point the device to the IR equipment that you need to control.
Irdroid USB IR Dongle
The Irdroid USB IR Dongle is a usb to infrared transceiver module. You can both send & receive infrared remote control codes with it. You can use it with Irdroid wifi & or with LIRC/Winlirc for Windows / Linux. With the Irdroid USB IR Dongle you can simply scan your remote codes in case your remote is not in the LIRC database of supported remotes. The device is based on DP USB IRTOY, with hardware modifications to allow an extended remote control range and a wider operating angle (you don’t need to point it to your IR equipment).
The Irdroid wifi and the Irdroid USB IR transceiver are to be released mid November 2013 and the approximate price for the two modules would be around $70